Dear colleagues
On behalf of the expert board, we are pleased to invite you to the 3rd International Symposium on Bronchoscopic and Surgical Treatment of Emphysema taking place on February 1st, 2019 at the University Hospital in Zurich, Switzerland.
It has almost become tradition for this symposium to reunite internationally recognized experts in this field to critically discuss the current evidence and practice on the management of severely impaired patients with pulmonary emphysema and hyperinflation. Various cases will be discussed in an emphysema board, to find out best decisions by different specialists. Prior to the symposium, a practical course will be offered.
Joel D. Cooper, who pioneered modern LVRS, will deliver a lecture on the development of the field from the past until today.
The aim of the symposium is, to better describe the various treatment options in advanced emphysema and how they should be applied in individual patients. The target audience are pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons and chest radiologists.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Zurich in February 2019!
Prof. Pallav Shah, MD
Prof. Walter Weder, MD